Ain't Nothing Gonna Break My Stride

     Today was Treatment #15, and I thought I would write about what is going on to catch everyone up. It has been 10 months since my Metastatic Breast Cancer diagnosis.  I haven't had any new scans since March where the last scans showed that everything was stable. (We like stable!)  I currently do not have any future scans scheduled as I do not have any severe bone pain at this time. 

Hugging a blanket from the new blanket
warmer I was able to help our local
Oncology Department receive!
     I guess that I couldn't imagine a day that I would get used to going in for infusions and shots every three weeks, but today I realized that it is slowly happening.  I will continue to have the Perjeta and Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks Xgeva (bone strengthening) shots every 6 weeks and Lupron (reduces Estrogen levels) every 3 months. Today, I got all four. 
     On June 14, we had the Women's Fund Afternoon Tea.  I am the Foundation staff person for the Women's Fund, and this is the largest event I work on all year.  We served over 200 women and girls tea and hors d'oeuvres while sharing the work of the Women's Fund and enjoying our local Irish dancers.  I took a moment to share my story and information about MBC.  It was an enjoyable day with some amazing women and girls from our community.
     Then on June 20, I was the Honorary Survivor of our local Relay for Life.  It was an honor to represent survivors in our county as I cut the purple ribbon and led the first walking lap.  Again, I was given an opportunity to share my story and information about MBC. 

     What's next?  Well the calendar remains full.  I am spending some time with the kids while they are on summer break.
     I am enjoying learning about advocacy work as a Hear My Voice Outreach volunteer for Living Beyond Breast Cancer.  We have an exciting social media campaign to watch for in September. 
     I am also doing an online writing workshop called "Writing the Journey" which I am really enjoying.

    Thank you for your continued prayers. I thank God everyday for the gifts of love that surround me & my family!

 My Relay for Life banner hanging on our courthouse square in town that my awesome friends had made for me!!  Love you girls!