Cancer is Mysterious

     Well, you know you have had too many surgeries when you recognize the hospital staff, and a few of them even recognize you.  Yesterday was long day, but I am happy to report that the surgery went well.  Ben and I left for the hospital around 8:30 am. We were quickly checked in, but my surgery started more than an hour past the scheduled time.  My parents and our hilarious nurse kept us well entertained.  The surgery itself wasn't too long, but we did not end up getting home until after 5:00 pm. 
     When my breast surgeon came in to see me beforehand, she was surprised to find that my tumor felt smaller.  After surgery, she confirmed that it was definitely smaller than it was 10 days ago.  We won't have any real answers from Pathology until Friday. 
     This tumor is a bit of a mystery at the moment.  It grew rather quickly. The biopsy showed that the tumor was invasive ductal carcinoma with Estrogen+ receptors, but HER2- receptors.  This is where the mystery starts because the breast cancer in my bones is Estrogen+ and HER2+ receptors.  This explains the tumor's sudden growth.  My Kadcyla tri-weekly treatments are specifically for HER2+ cancer.  The good news is that the treatments are still working, as my oncologist says my bones have remained stable and look to be healing. 
     So for now, we will patiently wait for the Pathology results and celebrate my successful surgery!  Thank you for all of your support, kind words, and prayers.  Could this smaller tumor be power of prayer?  I like to think so.